VIP 10% Discount Offer

As a valued customer of Furniture For Backs, return customers receive 10% off their next purchase on select items.

Items that can be purchased using the 10% Off discount include:

Mattresses: All of the Furniture For Backs Mattress Ranges including the Orthopaedic Ultimate, Advanced, Classic, & Natural Latex ranges.

Chairs: All of the Furniture For Backs chair range, with the exception of the Student Chair, and Operator Chair.

Sit Stand Desks: Both the Electric Sit-Stand Desk - Corner, and Rectangular, but excluding all Sit-Stand Desk Modules, the Anti-Fatigue Standing Mat, or the Multimedia Desktop Riser.

Mattress Bases: All mattress bases including the Electric Adjustable Mattress Base range. 


The VIP 10% Discount is valid on select products only. Products that are excluded from the 10% Off Discount include:

 Pillows: Unfortunately we are unable to offer discounts on our range of pillows.

Chairs: Unfortunately we are unable to offer discounts on the Student Chair, or the Operator Chair.

 Sit Stand Desks: Unfortunately we are unable to offer discounts on our range of Sit-Stand Desk Modules, the Anti-Fatigue Standing Mat, or the Multimedia Desktop Riser.